Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Denton County Voting Recommendations - Republican Primary 2014

Here are my personal recommendations for the Denton County Republican Primary 2014.  I've only listed those in contested races, so if someone does not have a challenger they are not listed. This list contains every race in Denton County, which means some of them likely won't be on your specific ballot depending on what district/precinct you live in.  But you won't have any contested race on your ballot that is NOT on this list.

Please note that the recommendations for local races have not been personally researched by me.  People in this county have come to me asking for my input in the races, and I offered to contact local conservatives that I trust and respect for their input. 

  • U. S. Senator…Steve Stockman
  • U. S. Representative District 26…Michael Burgess
  • Governor…Greg Abbott
  • Lieutenant Governor…Dan Patrick
  • Attorney General…Ken Paxton
  • Comptroller…Debra Medina
  • Land Commissioner…David Watts
  • Commissioner of Agriculture…Sid Miller
  • Railroad Commissioner…Wayne Christian
  • Chief Justice, Supreme Court…Nathan Hecht
  • Justice, Supreme Court, Place 6…Jeff Brown
  • Justice, Supreme Court, Place 8 Phil Johnson
  • Judge, Court of Criminal Appeals Pl 3…Bert Richardson
  • Judge, Court of Criminal Appeals Pl 4…Kevin Patrick Yeary
  • Judge, Court of Criminal Appeals Pl 9…David Newell
  • State Representative District 64…Read King
  • Criminal District Attorney...Karen Alexander
  • County Judge…Sherman Swartz
  • County Criminal Court Judge #3…George Mitcham 
  • County Criminal Court Judge #5...Vic Rivera
  • County Clerk...Juli Anne Luke
  • Justice of the Peace Precinct 4...no consensus by my sources other than choosing anyone but Al Filidoro
  • Justice of the Peace Precinct 5...Mike Brucia
  • Justice of the Peace Precinct 6...Tom Washington
  • Constable Precinct 1...Johnny Hammons
Below is an image you can print to take to the polls with you -- as well as pass out to other Denton County voters!

Printing instructions:
  1. Right click on image.
  2. Choose "save image as".
  3. Determine where you want to save the image on your computer.
  4. Pull up the saved image and print it on 8 1/2 x 11 paper.